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We Interrupt your Regularly Scheduled Program

This week brought me more perspective.

A former colleague of mine lost her battle with cancer. She was a mom of two young girls, a PR exec, a free spirit, and someone who radiated heart and positivity.

Her passing triggered feelings of survivor guilt for me. Anger, shame, fear, worry, anxiety, and so on have been playing like a broken record in my mind all week.

It's shocking to hear you have cancer. It's something you never think will happen to you, and in an instant, you see your entire life flash before your eyes. It brought me back to the moment I received my diagnosis.

I am 2+ years in remission, and the side effects of my medication have been weighing me down so much lately that I've taken my survivorship for granted. This week I am reminded how blessed I am that regardless of the side effects I'm experiencing, I get to live my life.

Maybe you haven't experienced cancer, but I'm guessing you've experienced other challenging, painful moments. I find it interesting how life sends us reminders, like my friend passing, that, much like TV and radio broadcasts, interrupt our regularly scheduled routine to give us important information and perspective to help us get back on track.

What reminders has life sent you lately? Hit reply and let me know.

I look forward to seeing you next time!

- Christine



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