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4 Tips for Re-Entering the World Post-COVID

This week I made my official debut back into the real world. I attended an overnight event that included a 3-hour indoor meeting followed by an indoor dinner with the same group.

I was nervous but mostly excited to see people, socialize, give hugs (yes, I gave a couple), and see people’s smiles. I saw more teeth than I have in 18 months! I saw so many teeth, I couldn’t get Jim Carry’s, The Mask, out of my head!

All kidding aside, while it felt amazing to be among the living again, there were awkward moments when I wondered if I was doing the right thing and I’d back away from a conversation or step aside in a group.

Four things I realized:

  1. It’s going to take time. The same light switch that turned us off is not going to turn us back on. It’s going to be a while before we’re 100% maskless, and 100% comfortable, and that’s ok.

  2. Everyone will come back at their own pace. Everyone’s situation and comfort level are different, and we need to allow people to come back in the manner that feels best.

  3. We need to be patient. Be patient with yourself and others. It wasn’t easy to stop doing what we always did, and it won’t be easy to start. Give grace whenever wherever you can.

  4. Maintain the slower pace. It was one of the biggest silver-linings. It permitted us to be more present in our daily lives and to appreciate all the little things. Don’t give that up. It’s a new skill. Work to keep it as strong as it is now.

I wish you all the best as you re-enter the world. For now, enjoy the beauty of Spring, the magnolia blooms, the cherry blossoms, and the birds singing. Until next time. 

Christine's signature

Plus, here are 7 8 things that inspired me this week:

  1. A view of the French Quarter from a special photographer and friend.

  2. This goes right to my soul.

  3. This made me feel warm and fuzzy.

  4. I love this sentiment from Valerie Alexander.

  5. The most inviting table.

  6. This is what they call balanced living.

  7. How amazing does this look?

  8. BONUS! This week I launched a new podcast with my friend Betti Russo, The Know-Like-Trust podcast. Take a listen and let me know what you think!

Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels



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