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Gratitude, My Word for 2020

Gratitude is my word for 2020. Who knew 12 months later how significant it would be.

It’s amazing how a pandemic and a cancer diagnosis can cause you to feel incredibly blessed and grateful.

It’s been 6 weeks since I completed my radiation treatments. During this week’s follow-up appointment I got the green light that I was in full remission and my chance of recurrence is very low.

Today I’m celebrating that news and sharing the things I’m most grateful for in 2020.

  1. The small moments with my son. Breakfast, in the car after school, and bedtime snuggles are my favorite time with him. He has so much to say and is so curious. I love listening and learning about his perspective on how things work.

  2. Walks. Afternoon walks in the fresh, brisk air this Fall, mask and all, have been a great way to listen to a book on audible or a podcast. The gift of a half-hour to myself gives me more energy to be there for others.

  3. Yoga. I’ve never been more grateful for my yoga practice. Even though my practice has been 100% virtual, getting on my mat with the community at Shanti has carried me, and the practice has helped me heal.

  4. Friends. It’s tough to articulate the gratitude I feel for the love and support of so many who reached out this year. Friends gave me the confidence and courage to push through.

  5. Guardian angels. I know. It’s a bit hokey, and I am not particularly religious but I believe my grandparents, my guardian angels, were working behind the scenes to help me heal.

What are you celebrating and what are you most grateful for this year? I’d love to know. Leave me a comment below.

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