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My 2023 Guiding Word – Radiate

Each year, instead of a resolution, I choose a guiding word. My friend, Debra Trappen, initially inspired me.

My guiding word aligns with my personal and business goals and serves as a North Star to guide and influence how I pursue my goals and to ensure I stay on the path.

2022 was a year of transformation for me. My 2022 word, purpose, was divinely fulfilled with the launch of Post & Beam Creative.

This year, my guiding word is RADIATE, and my vision is to take my purpose and make it shine through each acrostic.

Role model hard work, kindness, gratitude, and commitment for my son.

Answer the call of opportunity and be open to new and different ideas.

Demonstrate integrity and authenticity in every decision I make.

Instill an attitude of progress rather than perfection and allow myself to move at my own pace.

Ask questions and listen so that I can serve at the highest level.

Tell my story in a way that creates a connection with others.

Embrace the ebbs and flows and surrender to the discomfort.

Do you have a guiding word? I’d love to know. Leave me a comment below.

Christine's signature

If you’re curious and want to know more, listen to my chat with Betti Russo about our guiding words on this week’s Know Like Trust podcast.


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