On August 5th I made my way to Massachusetts General Hospital for a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy.
I was nervous but mostly anxious to get cancer out of my body. I was ready. I had absolute faith and trust in the amazing team and the surgeon who treated me, and it was only a matter of hours before I was home. The pain was completely manageable, and I am recovering amazingly well.
The support from everyone has been both humbling and heartwarming. I couldn’t have imagined the outpouring of love my family and I received. Perhaps the sweetest sentiment was the homemade cards pictured above.
The best news came a few days after surgery when I learned the surgeon had gotten clean margins and there was no cancer in my lymph nodes. This meant no additional surgery and no spread of cancer. It was the best news and it made my day.
The uncertainty brought on by COVID and the inability to plan ahead prepared me in a weird way for this diagnosis. It taught me to take things one step at a time, to not think too far ahead.
So far I have tackled this cancer one hurdle at a time.
My biggest hurdle is behind me.
The next step is radiation.
Have you scheduled your mammogram this year? Promise me you will not wait any longer. My mammogram saved my life. It could save yours too.
