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11 Books, Blogs, and Resources that Will Inspire You

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In my journey to make the decision to launch Believe in Balance, I did a ton of research, read books and blog posts, and watched online training. I thought I’d share the books, blogs, and resources that were the most inspiring to me:


  1. Soulful Simplicity: How Living with Less Can Lead to So Much More by Courtney Carver. This lady, she sacrificed “stuff” to bring simplicity and good health to her life. What she found was, she had actually been sacrificing good health for “stuff”. She provides great strategies for decluttering all aspects of your life.

  2. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes. Shonda is the head writer and executive producer of Grey’s Anatomy. To say she is talented and successful is an understatement. Yet, she has insecurities like the rest of us. She talks about them so eloquently in this book, and she shares her journey to say no so she could say yes to the things that brought her joy.

  3. Becoming by Michelle Obama. I talked a little bit about Michelle’s book here. She is relatable; pure and simple. I walked away from this book feeling like I was Michelle’s friend. This is a DO NOT MISS.

  4. Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine. Head back to this post to learn how powerful this book is in changing the negative dialogue that repeats over and over in your head.


  1. A Cup of Jo. A Cup of Jo was my model for a clean, uncluttered, authentic blog. She is the real deal and her blog is FULL of stories and ideas to inspire your daily life.

  2. Be More with Less. This is where Courtney Carver got her start. Her messages are great reminders of how to live a simple, joyful life full of love.

  3. Brené Brown. Brené is my latest obsession. She’s a research professor, author, Mom and wife. I state the last two because they are a big part of her evolving story. Her focus, to walk through vulnerability to get to courage. She’s written numerous books, (Dare to Lead and Daring Greatly are two I have listened to and love) and recently released a special on Netflix which made me laugh out loud and cry. So maybe she should add comedian to her repertoire. 😉


  1. How to Create a Microbusiness that Matters – a step by step tutorial on how to build an online business.

  2. Skillshare – An online learning community with hundreds of tutorials for everything from how to build a WordPress site to how to weave a wall hanging. I can’t tell you how much I love this community.

  3. Amy Lynn Andrews – An AMAZING resource on starting a blog.

  4. Katie Lance – Katie is a social media strategist. She is also a close friend and mentor. She has taught me everything I know about social media and digital marketing. Her nichè is real estate but she an excellent resource for any entrepreneur or small business looking to improve their social media strategy. This week she announced the launch of her ambassador program and named me among the three pioneer ambassadors. I couldn’t be more proud and honored. If you’re interested in joining Katie’s academy, you can save $30/month by using the promo code CHRISTINESAVE30.

Each of these inspired and excited me to make a change and take action. What books, blogs, and resources inspire you? Leave me a comment below. If you enjoyed this post, I’d love it if you share it and subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


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